Thursday, April 26, 2012

45 days to go

I am sure that I will finish the walk

Probably very gimpy
Partially due to the fact that I am not 30 (okay, even 55) any more
Partially because I have very little time to train
I expect blisters and a sore hip
Nothing that soft socks and a handful or two of Tylenol can’t cure

But it is really not about the walking

It is the head
It is the heart

It is all the memories
The good and the bad
The terribly funny and the just plain terrible

Life with Richard was good for a long time
Then it was bad
Then it was over

I could have made a career out of “if only” and “what if”
But it would not have changed the outcome
When he died our lives turned upside down
Everything was forever going to be different

I have spent more time thinking and talking about our life together in the last month than I have in the previous 12 years
It is very strange for me to spend so much time focusing on something that has a outcome I could not change
To share with friends and strangers alike a part of my life that I still don’t have closure for
Richard used to say that I could compartmentalize better than any person he knew
I do not believe that he meant that as a good thing
But he was oh-so-right

So little by little I share more
I smile more I laugh more
In memory of Richard
Who could make a room brighter just by being in it

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

rain, rain, go away. walking can go away, too, please.

It is pouring rain for the third weekend in a row.
I know we need the rain, but really. How about the weather Gods rain on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights between midnight and 6 am?
Just asking.

So, the walking thing:

Last I wrote I was feeling pleased with myself and a bit smug. I was up to four miles at a stretch with some jogging/running thrown in. I was really feeling like this was not going to be much of a problem. Walking the streets of San Francisco (not to be confused with street walking in San Francisco) with Amaya and the rest of the gang should be fun -- they are all really great young people who are smart and funny. Being up all night, not very different than work except it will be out of doors, no charting involved and if I get tired I can stop, eat, window shop and know I will not have to be awake, alert and ready to work at 7 am the next morning.

But life happens as you are making other plans.

All it takes is one misstep.

On the first foot plant of the jogging portion of a session something went very wrong with my right hip. Let me just say that not putting weight on a leg makes it very difficult to walk. And putting weight on said leg was very painful. I spent the next two weeks walking as little as possible. I knew it wasn't a muscle thing since if no weight was on the leg there was no pain.

Had I been a normal human I probably would have seen a doctor (other than at work and having to explain why I was hobbling around) and had an Xray of my hip. *

But I am Cleopatra -- Queen of denial. And of the firm belief that rest, eating well, and large handfuls of Tylenol can cure most anything. Truth be told, had there been something wrong on Xray, I would have had to be compliant with the doctors orders -- which may or may not fit into my plans. Because I believe that if you ask for an expert opinion you jolly well should follow it, therefore don't ask if you don't want to know the answer.

As I said, Cleopatra.

I went back to swimming after about three weeks. It wasn't that swimming hurt it was getting to the pool from the parking lot.

Decided on Tuesday to wear something other than jeans and tennis shoes/flats. Had a bunch of errands and wore my favorite 3 inch heels. Hip not so happy. Back to tennis shoes.

And now, back to walking.

Short amounts.
On flat surfaces.
NO jogging.

We have about 9 weeks before the big walk. I'll be ready.

Or the kids can pull me in a decorated wagon.
I could wear Kohl on my eyes and pretend to be Cleopatra.

* Edit from Amaya:

Text message from doctor friend: "Your mom is limping."

Thirty seconds later (phone call):

Me: What did you do to my mom?
Him: I didn't do anything to your mom. She hurt herself though.
Me: I know, giving you a hard time. Walking or jogging to something. Can't you fix her?
Him: I would love to if your mom was the type of person who could accept help from people.
Me: Yeah.... sorry about that. Sort of runs in the family.